Image Patrick Blaise

Junius – Party time in Ancient Rome, but just don’t get married…

The month of June – Junius to Ancient Romans – was a time of festivals, with celebrations coming thick and fast for Ancient Rome in just the first week of the month.

There are also as many theories as to why June is called Junius, as there were festivals in Ancient Rome – the most obvious is that the month was named after the goddess Juno, who was the wife of Jupiter and who was also the goddess of marriage.

However, the period from the middle of May to the middle of June was considered bad luck for those getting married, although June was considered more favourable than May for a wedding.

The poet Ovid revealed this when he asked the high priestess of Jupiter about the date of his daughter’s wedding and she advised him to wait until after June 15 before his daughter named the day.

The period from mid- May to mid-June (13 May to 13 June) was also thought by some mystics to constitute a thirteenth sign of the zodiac, Arachne, a spider goddess. Those born under this sign were – and still are – considered to have the qualities of genius, with a brilliance for music, art, writing, poetry, magic and psychic abilities. So far I have not found any Roman Emperors born during this period, but it may be that a few soothsayers were.

June was also thought to have been named after Lucius Junius Brutus, who died around 509 BC and who is credited with founding the gens Junia – one of the most famous and revered families in Ancient Rome, from whom Julius Caesar’s assassin Brutus is descended.

The month of June may also be named after what are called the iuniores – the juniors – as it is thought the month of Maius (May) was named after the elders (maiores). The Elders belonged to the Senate, the name of which is derived from the Latin word senex, meaning old age. The Elderly were revered in Roman society for their wisdom and experience so the Senate meant a Council of Elders.

Whatever the origins of the name, Ancient Romans decided to celebrate anyway, and some of the festivals like the Ludi Fabarici (29 May to June 1) and the Rosalia (20 June) centred around roses.

Roses were worn during festivals in both Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome – the phrase “roses and violets”, meaning living a carefree and comfortable life, derives from ancient literature. Roses were especially associated with the goddess of love, Aphrodite (Venus in Roman mythology) and of Eros (Cupidus or Cupid to the Romans) – as well as Dionysus (Bacchus), god of pleasure, eroticism and pleasure. So despite the advice given to the poet Ovid to delay his daughter’s wedding until after June 15, the month is associated with festivals, pleasure and love.

The Kalends of June (Kalendae Fabariae) on on June 1 was a festival involving bean feasting, to ask the goddess Carna for good health for the internal organs such as the heart and liver. Bean stew would be cooked and prayers offered for good health.

On June 3, the Festival of Bellona took place – with festivities to celebrate the roman goddess of war, Bellona, whose temple was within the Campus Martius, near Teatro Marcello. She was a consort of the god of war Mars, one of the most important gods to the Romans. Mars was the son of Jupiter – the top Roman god – and Juno, after whom the month of June may well be named.

On June 7, the festival of Ludi Piscatorii was celebrated in 3 BC, in which fishermen in Rome honoured the Father of the River Tiber. Any fish caught on June 7 were taken to the Temple of Vulcan – the god of fire – to be sacrificed to the god.

No sooner had the Ludi Piscatorii finished than from June 7 to June 15, Vestalia celebrations were underway in honour of the goddess of the hearth and family, Vesta – and the sacred fire of Rome that burned in the Temple of Vesta. On June 9, a donkey would be dedicated to the goddess and would be strewn with garlands and bread to mark the story of the time when Vesta was very nearly seduced by the greek god of fertility, Priapus. She was alerted by a braying donkey and managed to escape.

During the festival of Vestalia was an especially interesting celebration on June 15 – the Quando Stercum Delatum Fas. It was a cleansing ritual of the temple of Vesta and any dirt and detritus would be thrown into the River Tiber. The name Quando Stercum Delatum Fas means “when dung may be removed lawfully”.

On June 20 was the Rosalia – the celebration of roses, which could take place on set dates from May to July, when the heat of Ancient Rome and the wedding season meant that love was in the air.

Secular Games could also be held in May and June – but usually only every 100 years, so plenty of time for participants to get fit.

So for Ancient Romans, June was a busy month of celebration, when the gods were honoured and love was in the air.

Beatus Junius – Happy June! Celebrate it like a Roman!

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