Rome celebrates Republic Day on 2 June!

In Rome, 2 June is a public holiday – celebrating the day Italy became a republic after WWII, when in 1946 Italians voted to abolish the monarchy.

Festa della Repubblica is a national holiday, so expect shops, banks and some museums to be closed – and celebrations in the street, including military parades, fireworks and concerts in Rome and across Italy.

The Vatican City is usually open as it is officially not in Italy – but check all other museums for opening times.

The main parade takes place by the Forum in the morning – along via dei Fori Imperiali – so brace yourself for large crowds and photo opportunities a-plenty.

The Quirinale Palace is also open to the public on Republic Day – and there are usually military bands playing in the palace gardens.

The Quirinale is easy to find, as it is between the via Nazionale and the Trevi Fountain. Because it is on a hill, there is a steep climb from the Trevi Fountain area, so approach it from via Nazionale which leads into via dei Fori Imperiali. If you have mobility problems, take a cab, as the hill up via Parma from via Nazionale is still quite steep – but the streets are lined with orange trees, so you can perhaps grab some refreshment en route!

Orange trees on via Parma

Some eateries will be closed – but it is unlikely that as a tourist you will starve in Rome!

Buon viaggio!

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